Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Family & Personal Relationships

As a coach, one of the main reasons I get hired is to help people grow their businesses. During the course of working with these clients many times we discover that the reason these people are striving to grow is to be able to spend more time with their family's. Yet often what happens with type A personalities is that they become so focused on "success" they keep putting off spending time with the very people for whom they are working so hard.

God, family, you, work, and others is a workable plan. Time spent in spiritual renewal daily strengthens one's resolve and gives encouragement. It doesn't take long to take time and thank God for all He's done and to seek His advice and guidance for your day. Usually, a few minutes once, or several times, a day is sufficient.

Amazingly, people are always talking about quality time when it comes to family. Well, quality time is ALWAYS a function of quantity time. You must spend time with those you love to have those spontaneous moments of quality time. If your job requires that you travel often than it behooves you to allocate time within the first 48 hours after returning to spend time with your family. This must be a priority. If you have a traditional type employment, meaning you work locally on a somewhat fixed schedule, the most important thing is to see and talk with the members of your family, individually and as a unit. P.S. If you are single then your family is your close friends. Take time to to make time, make time to be there.

You must allow time to spend with yourself in quiet contemplation. This doesn't necessarily mean meditation. I like to spend my alone time riding my motorcycle. It gives me a sense of freedom and gets the cobwebs outta my head. Physical wellness requires that you spend time getting and keeping your body healthy. I train in martial arts, in fact I teach several classes from kids to adult drop em dead type stuff, but I'm no fanatic. I think life should be lived and enjoyed. Starvation diets, eliminating ALL sweets, meats, carbs, whatever is not a plan I would want to live with. Balance in all things is the key. If you want to know more about my plan for fitness drop me a line or post a comment.

Work will be dealt with in it's own topic.

Others, meaning those not in your immediate family are also important to one's whole-life well being. Spending time doing something with, or for, others gives renewal. Help your friends when they need it. Help them move, change a flat, listen. Help strangers when you can AND the spirit moves you. Play often.

Well, that's it for this installment. Let me know what you think. I have a book titled ACTION Living which goes into much more detail on living your life according to your own plan. We won the Award of Excellence for it. If you'd like to know more post a comment with your email or phone # and I'll be glad to send you more info.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

8 Areas of the Life Wheel

Our lives have become so hectic we often forget to take time to see how we're spending our time. Today's post is about the ares that our lives can be seperated into. I'm going to list them now and discuss them in detail in future posts.

Family & Personal Relationships

Career or Job



Personal Development

Financial Security



Where are you spending your time? I'll post details later on how to use this information and what to do with it to make it meaningful to you later. Right now just start thinking about how and in which areas of life you are spending time (your primary currency).

Ethan Hale